Reward Redemption Process in EcoPerq: What You Need to Know

An illustration of trees.
Eligibility for Rewards

Upon collecting the required number of loyalty points for a business, you become eligible for a reward. Remember, the type of rewards is determined and provided by each respective business, and not by EcoPerq. You can view available rewards for each place upon your first check-in.

Responsibility for Rewards

Any issues related to the rewards (like availability or quality) are the sole responsibility of the business. EcoPerq does not intervene in these matters.

Redemption Before Further Point Collection

If a reward is ready for redemption, you won't be able to collect more points for that business until you redeem your reward.

Simple Redemption Process

To redeem, simply show your unique reward QR code from the EcoPerq platform. Employees at the business will scan this code to validate and provide the reward. Any technical issues during redemption should be addressed to the store, who will coordinate with EcoPerq for resolution.

Activation and Usage

Rewards are exclusively activated by the business’s employees.

Location Flexibility for Rewards

Rewards can be redeemed at any location of the business highlighted on your loyalty card, offering convenient flexibility. This process ensures a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, enhancing your journey with EcoPerq.

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